Bill Gates, Azim Premji meet in Bangalore

May 31, 2012

By V. Ganesh 

Billionaire Bill Gates will visit Wipro Chairman, Azim Premji, on Friday to discuss their plans to increase healthcare initiatives in India.

Azim Premji, Chairman of Wipro

Representing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a charity organization devoted to eradicating poverty and disease in developing countries, the former CEO of Microsoft met several Union Ministers to address public healthcare issues, such as providing vaccines, sanitation and other services to the poor.

Highlighting his UP experiences on a blog, Mr. Gates said: “The challenges of helping communities like this could be overwhelming. That is why I was so encouraged to meet Akhilesh Yadav and his staff. He is young — only 38 years old — and something of a rising star in Indian politics.”

Melinda & Bill Gates

Regarding his experiences in Ujariaon, he blogged that about 2,000 people live in an area of 1 sq km and face challenges of garbage collection. Praising the efforts of the healthcare workers for their family planning initiative, he said that despite challenges in reaching out to families across 11 cities, the workers are dedicated to helping women gain access to contraceptives, if needed.

Later, amidst tight security and personal body guards, Mr. Gates met the External Affairs Minister, S.M. Krishna; Health Minister, Ghulam Nabi Azad, and the Rural Development Minister, Jairam Ramesh.

The Union Ministers are expected to travel to Washington D.C.on June 12, to discuss various issues and explore the ways in which the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation can further assist India.

(with inputs from Ronendra Singh, New Delhi)

2 comments on “Bill Gates, Azim Premji meet in Bangalore

  1. Why was this meeting so “top secret??” They wouldn’t let the media in and everything was heavily guarded. I don’t think the queen’s Diamond Jubilee was so heavily patrolled!

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