Desktop virtualisation to reduce technology overheads

June 29, 2012

By V. Ganesh

Interview with Will Poole, Co-Chairman of NComputing Inc

Will Poole, Co-Chairman, NComputing



Mr. Poole outlines the India strategy and better, cost effective methods of reducing technology overheads.




At a time when there is so much pressure to cut costs, do you think the concept of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) would find takers?

“If you look at the concept of VDI, it was born out of an inherent need. You had traditional systems that had an operating system (like Windows) and different applications (like Office) running on it. Then as laptop usage surged, coupled with desktops, there were licensing, maintenance and upgrade issues.

Also, add to that security and compliance issues and the economics of buying licences and maintaining them did not make sense.

Also, factor in mobile work styles and traditional computing environments can be a nightmare in terms of management. This is where our breakthrough in the performance and economics of VDI got noticed. With the release of vSpace Server 6.5 desktop virtualisation software, we had industry firsts including the ability to support up to 100 users on a single operating system, reduce the number of physical servers by 75 per cent and radically improve configuration and management of VDI environments. It is possible at a fraction of the initial and on-going cost of a traditional PC desktop computing environment.”

Doesn’t the cost and management of VDI turn out to be more expensive?

“VDI deployments have been held back due to cost and management complexity. We have addressed these issues with vSpace 6.5. The user density breakthrough in vSpace Server 6.5 delivers a three-fold increase in the number of virtual desktop sessions that can be hosted on a single operating system (OS) compared to previous versions. It also allows IT and network managers to reduce the hardware hosts, OS’ and virtual machines needed in virtual desktop architecture thus, delivering an affordable based VDI solution per seat on the market.”

How do you see the Indian market?

“Customers in India are deploying some of largest and most innovative virtual desktop infrastructures in the world.  One of the largest deployments is for Employee State Insurance Corporation with approximately 31,000 seats across 2,200 locations.

We recently announced success with State education ministries of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and so on, and from these deployments, the case for VDI gets stronger.”