Election year blame game

July 10, 2012

By V. Ganesh

India loves Bush.

Sad but true.

Aside from his insanely draconian, socially backwards, anti-Muslim and pro-violence ideals, they also love W because he enabled US corporations to fire thousands of his constituents in order to circumvent US tax regulations and buy their donkeys on the cheap.

(By the way, Americans who are both skilled and willing to get their hands dirty DO exist, so disregard the corporate offshoring excuses.)

Indian’s love to point out that during the last Republican regime India’s IT industry grew at an average of 39% from 2004-08, but they fail to understand that it is the US congress that has the final say on most of the legislation.  (MNCs actually have the final say as their exorbitant “campaign donations” do the talking.)

While Democrat Obama has indeed been publicly advocating protectionist ideas, the very Republicans who allowed US jobs to be shifted to Asia (and to illegal immigrants) are now singing a different tune- at least publicly- about creating American jobs.

They’re eager to paint the White House red again, and since W crapped his presidential nest one too many times, they know it’s going to take quite a bit of perception management to pursuade Americans- at least those who have some clue how their country functions- to give them another chance.  That explains Republicans’ anti-immigration and anti-foreigner rhetoric- they’re relying on damage control to divert attention from their anti-American track record.

So if anyone is offended by Obama’s protectionist antics they should be equally offended by the mostly Republican congress.

Furthermore, Indians must understand that Obama is the president of the US, he is NOT the president of India, which means he doesn’t owe the Indian people jack shit.

When Bush failed to encourage MNCs to keep their operations in the US, he betrayed the very people who voted for him and did a huge disservice to his own country.

Had PM Singh allowed Indian companies to send Indian jobs abroad- without the Indians, that is- there would be rioting and bloodshed from Delhi to Cochin.  But nobody wants to admit that.

Obama’s primary responsibility is to take care of Americans, just as PM Singh’s primary responsibility is to take care of Indians.

Why the hell is that so difficult to understand?