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Europe good for Infy?

Interview with V. Balakrishnan, CFO and Board Member of Infosys

July 12, 2012

By V. Ganesh  

Infosys continues to endure tough times.  In fiscal 2012, the company lowered its guidance three times and in the first quarter of FY13, the company has again revised its guidance for the year ahead to 5% from the8-10% that it had guided for in the January-March quarter.

V. Balakrishnan, Infosys CFO&Board Member

V. Balakrishnan, CFO and Board Member of Infosys, spoke about the need to have a long-term view of the company and the continuing business transition that has been undertaken in the backdrop of a global economic crisis.

Analysts are saying that the Infosys story is over.

“I will say that analysts are losing sight of the long-term and looking at only the short term. It is a well known fact that over the last few quarters we are seeing that the IT services are getting commoditised. Also, as we have laid out the Infosys 3.0 strategy, we are looking at a portfolio mix that would involve 30% of our revenues coming from the products, platforms and services (from the existing 6%).  All this cannot be achieved overnight.”

You are seeing negative growth in the US and Europe. Do you plan to exit Europe?

“I would say that Europe is holding up good for us. However, there are large macro-economic concerns, questions regarding the collapse of euro and a general tendency of reduced offshoring when there is a slowdown.  The UK is into a recession too.  Unlike the US, Europe is slow when it comes to embracing
outsourcing or offshoring.  We are living in the new normal and the transformation we have undertaken before will yield results in the future.”

Is this transformation complete or is it a work in progress?

“We have finished the transformation in terms of putting in place vertical heads. But if as we move into products and related businesses, we are entering a different domain as the client needs are different from what we have been used to.”

Are you ready to settle the case with your US employee Jack Palmer?

“All we can say is that we will go into mediation with Mr Palmer with an open mind.  We believe that we have a strong case and will defend it.”

One comment on “Europe good for Infy?

  1. Denial is not a river in Egypt! There’s a reason other companies are pulling out of troubled European locales- it’s called ECONOMIC CRISIS. Did Infy not get the memo??

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