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Visa wars & lawsuits galore!

Yep, Infy has done it again!

August 9, 2012

By V. Ganesh

Another Infosys employee has filed a lawsuit against Infosys, alleging that he too was harassed in retaliation for blowing the whistle on visa fraud.

Mr. Satya Dev Tripuraneni, an Indian American who worked for five years at the Infosys Silicon Valley office in California, has accused Infosys of engaging in fraudulent practices, including using B-1 business visitor visas to facilitate outsourcing work in the US.

Such fraudulent practices could help companies evade certain tax obligations.

According to media reports, when Mr. Tripuraneni took up the matter through the Infosys whistleblower mechanism, he was allegedly threatened and demoted.

He filed a lawsuit in federal court, in the Northern District of California.

When contacted, an Infosys spokesperson said: “Shortly after Tripuraneni filed his complaint with the Infosys whistleblower team, as per our policy we launched a comprehensive investigation of his allegations. That investigation is continuing. As for comments on the legal matter, we are choosing to concentrate our attention and resources on the investigation. We feel this is prudent and responsible course of action at this time.”

Infosys has already been taken to task by whistleblower, Mr. Jack Palmer, who alleged that Infosys was victimising him and that it had withheld his bonus for whistle-blowing on what he called the company’s practice of repeatedly violating business visitor visas.  Court documents revealed that Mr. Palmer was subjected to multiple death threats by what appear to be very hostile and unstable Infosys employees.

Uncle Sam still digging

Infosys has  been on the radar of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which questioned the legality of foreign employees working in the US after it found a ‘significant percentage’ of errors in their I-9 forms.

The I-9 form is used by the US government to determine if new employees are legally eligible for employment in the US;  and it must be completed by every employee, including American citizens and legal residents, at the time of joining.

The DHS investigation is still ongoing.

The case involving Infosys and Mr. Palmer is scheduled for trial on August 20, 2012.



One comment on “Visa wars & lawsuits galore!

  1. This is NOT a fluke for Infy, see their history of criminal activity and antisocial, psychotic practices:



    It is very clear what sort of “values” drive these illiterate boors! Nothing but fucking backwards barbarians from top to bottom, anyone who is relatively sane will be kicked out or pushed to the brink of madness so that they leave to keep their sanity and dignity.

    Pathetic, racist, intolerant motherfuckers. Mock an employee for celebrating a local/national holiday in US and that’s a-o-fucking-kay, but let a foreign employee living in India even question these criminally insane, superstitious, daughter killing, dalit killing, honor killing, wife burning, dowry extorting, child marrying, unevolved, corrupt, publicly defecating, religiously intolerant, caste discriminating, sexually deviant, chauvinist, violence mongering Hindu extremists/terrorists/gandoo choots about the chaos that is Holi (that ‘celebration’ where neighbors, pedestrians, etc. are rudely splattered with colored substances that are contaminated with toxic chemicals) and watch the blood fly! Or, god forbid, somebody questions them about the necessity of eardrum perforating, window shaking, pet and infant traumatizing mini-bombs they have mistaken for harmless holiday crackers! But they get off on harassing/mocking someone for celebrating a quiet, peaceful holiday like fucking Thanksgiving.

    THIS is the kind of “values” that drive Infosys. 20 rupee prostitutes raise their illegitimate kids with better values than this!!

    Infy should be kicked out of every country and permanently banned. The CEO and other “leaders” should be prohibited from owning/operating business in every country, including India. Every employee regardless of rank should be psychologically evaluated to separate the barbarians from the normal people, then lock the barbarians up in a maximum security asylum and keep them on thorazine drips until they die!!

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