My silent period

December 27, 2012

By V. Ganesh

Anyone following this blog likely noticed a significant lack of activity on my part for the last few months.  It’s all thanks to an Atlanta road hog, Allstate Insurance Company and the “great” state of Georgia.  I’ve been spending my free time assisting my wife with medical issues caused by a reckless, aggressive Atlanta driver and the resulting lawsuit (read litigation hell) we were  forced to file against Allstate’s insured to recover damages.

Lessons learned:

*Stay FAR away from Allstate Insurance Company.  This is an extremely predatory corporation operated  by psychopaths from the ground up.  The adjusters, the attorneys, everyone working for this corporation is morally bankrupt- there’s not a conscience to be found anywhere within the company.  Not only do they go for the throats of accident victims who were injured by their insured, they also do everything imaginable to worm their way out of protecting their own customers.   Just do a search for Allstate lawsuits on your search engine of choice to see their myriad crimes.  They got kicked out of Florida in 2008…Florida for heaven’s sake!

*Stay FAR away from Georgia, especially if you are Asian (East, West, South-doesn’t matter, all Asians are unwelcome) or Caucasian.  Atlanta is predominantly African-American, and if you’re not, then you’re not welcome.  DeKalb County has been sued for racist offenses committed by African-American bureaucrats- the plaintiffs won.  Atlanta is one giant ghetto run by extremely corrupt, marginally literate bastards who can barely read or process simple forms correctly.  My wife says Bangalore was easy to adapt to, because she had lived in the Atlanta area for several years.  (No!  That is not a compliment, Mr. Shettar!)

*Stay FAR away from Poole Law Group, especially if you’re up against an insurance company.  They are  lowballers who will NOT fight the insurance company for you.  In fact, my wife was told (in my presence) regarding her medical treatment, “You have to stop running up a bill for Allstate to pay.”  This meant my wife had to stop getting medical treatment when she badly needed it.  I could go on, but you get the idea.

*If you find yourself embroiled in a legal situation, do everything you can to educate yourself on the relevant laws and procedures.  Call upon an attorney, only if absolutely necessary, and then get references.  Don’t just go with the first guy in the phone book and DO NOT trust the local bar association to refer you to a *good* attorney.  (by *good* I mean ethical, professional and motivated to do his/her damn job)  Actually, don’t trust any bar association- ever.  They are by lawyers, for lawyers and will never help you if/when you find yourself exploited by a lawyer.  Becoming a legal client is a very high-risk situation, and should be treated accordingly- go to the frat party if you dare, but wear a burkha and carry mace.

*Even if you hire a lawyer, do not trust him/her to be competent or motivated.  You still must educate yourself on every aspect of your case, do your own homework/research and police the living shit out of your lawyer to make sure he/she isn’t fucking your horoscope.

*Do not assume that the lawyer is your friend, he/she is not.  These guys rarely want to be seen wining and dining with the commoners, but if such an offer arises don’t let him/her buy you drinks or lunch, aside from getting billed for the expenditure this is a tactic to build rapport and gain your trust- this is the equivalent of a kid accepting candy from the neighborhood pedophile, nothing good can come of it.  This is a business relationship, and once the lawyer has made his buck he’ll never want to see you again, unless he can squeeze another buck out of you.  Never, ever, express any opinions or sentiment not directly linked to your case, especially of a negative nature.  Do not let him/her have any personal information that is not required for casework.  If he/she screws you, and you find it necessary to file a grievance with the local bar association, or to sue for misrepresentation, he/she will take every scrap of personal information and every word you ever uttered and twist it around to use it against you.

*If you find yourself involved in a jury trial, do not assume that the jury is of average (or greater than average) intellect.  One need not be smart to sit in the jury box, and your opponent’s attorney will want the dumbest idiots available  because they can be easily confused, distracted and tricked into siding with your opponent- even if he’s a serial killer with a freezer full of body parts.  Also do not assume that the people of the jury are interested in you or your case.  They’re not.  They’re pissed that they have been imposed upon, that they have been summoned to deal with your shit when they would rather be playing Farmville.  To hell with the facts, to hell with what’s right and wrong, you have to make the jury like you, or at least feel some twinge of empathy for you.  Good luck with that.