Stale Bonda

AppStudioz- They’re lovin’ it.

June 18, 2013 By V. Ganesh Mobile app enthusiasts might have one more reason to cheer as yet another Indian tech company has decided to set up shop.  Founded in 2011 by its CEO, Saurabh Singh, AppStudioz was an idea riding on the trend of many other companies that were seeking to profit from building […]

Analyze this: AbsolutData

March 26, 2013 By V. Ganesh Brought together in 2000 through that ancient social networking platform called human relationships, Suhale Kapoor, Sudeshna Dutta and Anil Kaul were introduced to each other through common friends.  One thing led to another and the trio discovered a shiny opportunity lying amid the dot-com wreckage.  Though the bust had […]

Infosys settles *another* harassment case

December 14, 2012 By V. Ganesh Bangalore-based IT company Infosys said it has reached an amicable settlement with another  former employee turned whistle blower who, like Mr. Palmer, says he was harassed after reporting visa related offenses. On August 2, 2012, Satya Dev Tripuraneni, an Indian American who worked for five years as an accounts […]

Testing times @ Infosys

October 21, 2012 By V. Ganesh In the first quarter of the 2013 fiscal, Infosys did the unthinkable. It announced that it would not give quarterly guidance on its numbers. This lack of guidance, which for years has set the tone for IT sector results, was met with muffled gasps in the customary press conference. […]

Infy throws a bone to keep the talent around

October 12, 2012 By V. Ganesh Infosys has given out salary hikes across the board to its employees. The salary hike for India-based employees is 6% and it is effective from October 1 this year.  Onsite employees (who work outside India) have been given a 2-3% hike which will be effective from January next year […]

Stale what?

Bonda.  There, I said it. I feel my position as a journalist has been reduced to a one-man bonda factory as I’m compelled by my editors to churn out mediocre, and sometimes even recycled, fodder on a daily basis. “Stale” bonda is, well, just that- pieces that time constraints prohibited me from promptly posting on […]