Tag Archive | B1

Visa wars & lawsuits galore!

Yep, Infy has done it again! August 9, 2012 By V. Ganesh Another Infosys employee has filed a lawsuit against Infosys, alleging that he too was harassed in retaliation for blowing the whistle on visa fraud. Mr. Satya Dev Tripuraneni, an Indian American who worked for five years at the Infosys Silicon Valley office in […]

Whistleblower’s lawsuit against Infosys gains momentum

June 7, 2012 By V. Ganesh Another former Infosys employee filed an affidavit on May 29, 2012 as a part of the deposition process in the lawsuit filed in February 2011 against Infosys by whistleblower, Jack “Jay” Palmer. Stephanie Teasdale was hired by Infosys in 2010 develop and manage an affirmative action and equal employment […]