Tag Archive | California

Analyze this: AbsolutData

March 26, 2013 By V. Ganesh Brought together in 2000 through that ancient social networking platform called human relationships, Suhale Kapoor, Sudeshna Dutta and Anil Kaul were introduced to each other through common friends.  One thing led to another and the trio discovered a shiny opportunity lying amid the dot-com wreckage.  Though the bust had […]

Visa wars & lawsuits galore!

Yep, Infy has done it again! August 9, 2012 By V. Ganesh Another Infosys employee has filed a lawsuit against Infosys, alleging that he too was harassed in retaliation for blowing the whistle on visa fraud. Mr. Satya Dev Tripuraneni, an Indian American who worked for five years at the Infosys Silicon Valley office in […]