Tag Archive | politics

Election year blame game

July 10, 2012 By V. Ganesh India loves Bush. Sad but true. Aside from his insanely draconian, socially backwards, anti-Muslim and pro-violence ideals, they also love W because he enabled US corporations to fire thousands of his constituents in order to circumvent US tax regulations and buy their donkeys on the cheap. (By the way, […]

Nasscom dismisses politics as IT biz feels Uncle Sam’s wrath

June 29, 2012 By V. Ganesh According to Nasscom data, the Indian IT sector, which has grown to about $100 billion in revenues, has witnessed a slow down since Barack Obama became the U.S. president. For example, growth in FY08-09 was a mere 8.6% while in FY10-11 it was 15% and in FY11-12 it was […]

U.S. IMMIGRATION: High class hypocrisy

June 28, 2012 By V. Ganesh Why the Latinos?  I keep asking myself this while reading about the various injustices committed against impoverished Mexicans and other Latin Americans who migrate to the U.S. in search of safety and normalcy.   There are wealthy people of various nationalities who have figured out how to manipulate the immigration system through its numerous hidden loopholes.  Then there are others, particularly affluent Indians, who are deliberately committing visa […]

Bill Gates, Azim Premji meet in Bangalore

May 31, 2012 By V. Ganesh  Billionaire Bill Gates will visit Wipro Chairman, Azim Premji, on Friday to discuss their plans to increase healthcare initiatives in India. Representing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a charity organization devoted to eradicating poverty and disease in developing countries, the former CEO of Microsoft met several Union Ministers […]