Tag Archive | whistleblower

Visa wars & lawsuits galore!

Yep, Infy has done it again! August 9, 2012 By V. Ganesh Another Infosys employee has filed a lawsuit against Infosys, alleging that he too was harassed in retaliation for blowing the whistle on visa fraud. Mr. Satya Dev Tripuraneni, an Indian American who worked for five years at the Infosys Silicon Valley office in […]

Infosys whistleblower case going to trial

July 25, 2012 By V. Ganesh The lawsuit filed against Infosys by Mr. Jack Palmer is going to trial next month. On July 6th a US District Court Judge, Myron H. Thompson, had ordered Mr. Palmer and  Infosys to engage in mediation, to attempt an out of court settlement.  However, mediation talks held earlier in the […]

Whistleblower case going to trial if Infosys denies misconduct

July 10, 2012 By V. Ganesh Infosys whistleblower, Mr. Jay Palmer, has ruled out the possibility of settling out of court if his employer continues to deny malefactions. Mr. Palmer’s attorney, Mr. Kenneth J. Mendelsohn of Jemison & Mendelsohn, said in a telephone interview that his client’s case will be taken to trial if, during […]